FRESNO by Augusto Amador
Thu, Apr 09
Breath of Fire Latina Theatre Ensemble invites you to a Virtual Staged Reading of FRESNO by Augusto Amador Time: Apr 9, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Time & Location
Apr 09, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PDT
About the Event
FRESNO by Augusto Amador Haunted by his childhood UFO abduction; a long-estranged son, Ernie, returns home to his dying repressive father, The Old Vato, and dangerous half-brother Paco, to learn the truth about the mysterious disappearance of his beloved half-brother Angel.
Cast Juan Villa- Ernie/ Little Ernie Ricardo Chavira- Paco/ Little Paco Richard Soto - Old Vato Maricella Ibarra - Angel Sara Guerrero - Stage Directions
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 602 119 596
Sponsored by Breath of Fire Latina Theatre Ensemble
Diana Burbano, dramaturg, producer Sara Guerrero, director / producing artistic dir
Augusto Amador was born and raised in Silicon Valley and is the son of a music composer, Peruvian father and culinary chef, Austrian mother. Recently, Mr. Amador was selected for the Disney/NBCUniversal/NHMC TV Writers Fellowship as well the prestigious 2019 Humanitas Prize New Voices Award in television writing. His screenplay, RatCatcher, finished on the Top 50 Nicholl Fellowship Screenplays. His play, Atacama, was recently named by Steppenwolf Theatre, in their list of notable new plays and his play, The Quiet Zone, placed 3rd by Playwrights First 2019 Best New Play. His plays have been finalists for the Princess Grace Fellowship, Terrence McNally Award, BBC International Radio Playwriting Competition, runner-up for the National Latino Playwriting Award from the Arizona Theater Company, listed on 50 Playwrights Project of Best Unproduced Latino Plays, Howlround’s “101 Plays by The New Americans, or on Latinidad”, five-time semi-finalist for the Eugene O’Neill Conference and many more. His play, The Book of Leonidas, won best play at the Downtown Urban Arts Festival in NYC. His fellowships include: Public Theater in NYC, The Humanitas Prize in Los Angeles, Latino Theater Alliance/L.A. and Lincoln City Fellowship in NYC. Mr. Amador’s plays have been produced across the country, including: Public Theater in NYC, Cherry Lane Theatre NYC, Kennedy Center in DC, Firehouse Theater in VA, Wild Project in NYC, Lark Developmental Theatre in NYC, San Diego Repertory, Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Next Iteration Theater in Houston, Wake Forest University, Blank Theatre in L.A., The Road Theater in L.A., Los Angeles Theater Center, North Carolina Black Repertory Theater, A Contemporary Theatre in Seattle,Skylight Theater in L.A., Austin Latino New Play Festival and many others.. Upcoming in 2020: Atacama, is receiving a full production, Midwest premiere at the Full Circle Theatre in St. Paul, MN. A full production, world premiere of Kissing Che at Gablestage in Miami. A full production, world premiere of, Fresno, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM. Staged readings of Fresno at The Road Theatre in Los Angeles. Staged reading of The Quiet Zone, at Barter Theatre’s 20 th Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights, Staged reading of, The Book of Leonidas at North Carolina Black Repertory Theatre. Staged reading of Fresno, at the Downtown Urban Arts Festival in NYC. Publication of the Spanish translation of ATACAMA by Teatro sin Paredes in Teatro de las tres Américas: antología Norte . Upcoming staged readings (postponed) The Road Theater in Los Angeles. So far still on, staged reading at the Signature Theatre in NYC as part of the Downtown Urban Arts Festival on June 18
Sponsored by Breath of Fire Latina Theatre Ensemble